
How To Celebrate Christmas When Traveling

Prague, Romania, Lapland, New York, South Pacific, London, Bethlehem, Melbourne, Perth.

My family has celebrated Christmas in places all over the world. And with little kids, it was super important that we kept some traditions so no matter how far we traveled away from home, they always knew Christmas and family never changed.

Our favorite Christmas was in Rovaniemi, Finland.

We almost celebrated Christmas in Prague.

So from the family that celebrated Christmas all over the world, here are our five favorite ways to make sure you can celebrate Christmas when traveling.

Traveling Christmas family

Christmas tree

Wherever we were we always tried to have a Christmas tree. Whether it was a picture on a cruise door or a small plastic tree we found in Prague. For us, a Christmas tree changes your space and adds the Christmas spirit to any location instantly. And where do presents go if not under the Christmas tree?

Christmas tree

Christmas gifts

Even in the midst of traveling we always make sure to give to each other at Christmas. Useful, silly, rarely large gifts. Our first Christmas away we left the majority of the gifts under the tree at home and took 3 or 4 gifts with us. The kids were excited about the 2 Christmases.

During nomadic travel, we were often gifted more useful gifts, although the kids always ended up with toys that blew up our suitcase weight limit. I have an extensive list of Christmas gifts for those like us who are away from home and love it!

Often after Christmas, we would use a service to ship a box or two home of old toys and things no longer needed to be replaced by new gifts.

We also always take the time at Christmas wherever we are to go through our belongings and gift what we can to charity bins. My kids always knew that December meant we give some of our things to kids less fortunate to make room for new gifts that come December 25.

celebrate Christmas when traveling  - gifts

Christmas movies

Nothing beats December like Christmas movies. Home Alone, Elf, Jingle All The Way, A Boy Called Christmas. Give me all the Christmas movies. On our first Christmas away we laid on our beds in our cruise ship room and watched them on the tiny TV.

In Lapland, we watched Christmas movies at Santa Land, underground. In Perth, Australia the weather is so warm we enjoy rooftop or outdoor cinema.

It’s the best way to spend Christmas Eve.

celebrate Christmas when traveling- movies

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations let you celebrate Christmas when traveling. Even if you’re in a place where Christmas is not a thing, you can make them. My daughter has made paper chains for years at every Christmas and they are my favorite Christmas decoration. We’ve bought cheap Christmas baubles or use edible candy canes and chocolates to decorate so as not to be wasted. We left our Christmas decorations at our Airbnb in Prague and our New York Christmas stocking decorations we shipped home, and I’m using them this Christmas in my Perth home.

Christmas traditions

No matter where you are Christmas is Christmas when you’re together and you do what your family has always done. Christmas traditions like eating Dutch croquettes, because my Oma use to make them every year. Or watching Christmas movies on a mattress in the living room. Or making Banoffe Pie for my English dad. Or Christmas Eve presents. Whatever tradition is close to your family you can do it anywhere to ensure you still get to celebrate Christmas when traveling.


Where have you celebrated Christmas? Tell me below. Where would you love to?

Check out my list of 7 destinations taking Christmas to the next level. Or perhaps think check out my list of all the destinations you can celebrate Christmas at.





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