
Lemukih Falls: A Guide To Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

“I can’t do it,” I cried.

I’d said it several times before. When I first heard it was 4 hours. As we walked down the ladder stairs.  But as I plunged into the river, my damaged foot sliding along the slippery rocks I finally knew I really couldn’t do it.

“Give me your hand,” my partner said.

I held onto him for dear life, and he gently coxed me across the river to the other side. My children had already made it across, started yelling, “Go, mum, you can do it.”

And all of a sudden, I could do it. A 4-hour trek on a broken toe and there I was standing under the cooling mist of Lemukih Falls beaming. 

You may have thought Asia’s #1 waterpark was in Kuta. But perhaps Bali’s secret natural water slide might give Waterbom a run for its money.

It’s rough, it’s bumpy, it’s exceedingly fast, and most of all it’s still unknown, hidden, and for the most part a complete part of nature.

What is Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide?

In the mountains near Lemukih, in North Bali, is the largest waterfall in Bali, and above the falls is an incredible natural slide about 150 feet/45 meters, cascading through the rain forest.

Lemukih Falls: A Guide To Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

Where is Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide?

Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide sits right beside Lemukih Waterfalls, located near the village of Sekumpul in the Singaraja region.

Roughly 80 km / 3 hours from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Don’t forget to pay Bali’s new tourist tax before you get to the airport.

Address: Sekumpul, Sawan, Lemukih, Sawan, Kabupaten Buleleng Regency, Bali 81171

Lemukih Falls: Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

How many waterfalls are there at Lemukih Falls?

The beautiful Sekumpul Waterfall is actually a cluster of 6 to 7 narrow cascades in the namesake village of Sekumpul in North Bali.

There seems to be some confusion about the names of these waterfalls. But from what I’ve gathered the Lemukih Falls are close to Lemukih village, but also considered part of the Sekumpul Village. So are also referred to collectively as Sekumpul Falls.

The Sekumpul Waterfall (Lemukih Falls) consists of 2 main waterfalls – The Fiji Falls (3 waterfalls) & The Grombong Waterfall (3 waterfalls). Within the Sekumpul Waterfall district, you will also find a waterfall for jumping and Bali’s natural water slide.

That totals 7 waterfalls (the Lemukih Falls) within Sekumpul Village.

Sekumpul Waterfall is the tallest waterfall in Bali and voted the best waterfall in Bali. Having visited Tegenungan Waterfall I have to admit it exceeded that.

Lemukih Falls

How do I get to Lemukih Waterfall?

Take a Bali tour package! It’s going to be difficult to find without a local guide. We were offered a private tour thanks to Bali Customized Tours.

However, from Denpasar, you can take Jl Raya Kintamani Highway direct to Lemukih Waterfall. It should take about two hours to get there. It’s approximately 1 hour out from Munduk.

We were collected from Ubud and it took just over an hour, nearly 1.5 hours to reach.

If you are driving, head to the Sekumpul Waterfall Parking Lot here.

Lemukih Falls

How much is the entrance fee for Lemukih Waterfall?

The Sekumpul Waterfall entrance ticket is around IDR 30,000 per person from the Sekumpul Waterfall entrance.

However, if one wants to get into the place at a cheaper rate, one can go in via the Lemukih Waterfall entrance where the entrance fee is around IDR 15,000 per person.

Our Sekumpul waterfall entrance fee was included in our 7 Hidden Waterfalls of Bali tour.

Lemukih Falls: A Guide To Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

Where is the world’s largest natural water slide?

Bali nature water slide is not the largest water slide in the world. That title belongs to one in Penang, Malaysia, which zig-zags for 1,111 m (3,645 ft).

What is the highest waterfall in Bali?

Sekumpul Waterfall is the largest Bali waterfall at 262 feet (80 meters). Lemukih Falls is approximately 165 feet.

Lemukih Falls

What do you wear to a waterfall in Bali?

Wear suitable shoes, either junk sneakers or water sandals, because there is lots of mud, lots of walking, and lots of trading through wet rivers. I’d also recommend wearing your swimsuit for a refreshing dip in a waterfall or the slide finale.

Sekumpul Waterfall

What should you bring to Lemukih Falls?

Our tour guide brought towels for us, but we didn’t need them too badly as the weather in Bali is always warm, and quick to dry.

We were also thankful that he brought us bottles of water.

Girl in front of Lemukih Falls / Sekumpul Waterfall

How long a day was the Lemukih Waterfall tour?

We were collected at 7 am and returned at about 5 pm. The journey to Northern Bali was just over 1.5 hours and the hike itself was 5 hours.

Lemukih Falls / Sekumpul Waterfall Rice Terrace

Sekumpul Waterfall Bali: What To Expect


Our day started with a long drive, but we got to witness incredible views of Mount Agung and stopped for monkeys that lined the roads of our drive.


Rice Paddies

After the car could go no further we stopped for a toilet break and stunning rice terrace views. Before commencing our first hike.

Rice Terrace Bali


Fiji Waterfall

The first hike is probably the hardest as you make your way for a good hour down through the Indonesian jungle of Bali into a ravine.

Lemukih Falls / Sekumpul Waterfall trek


The steps can almost be ladderlike at one stage, and you have to cross the river to get to these stunning triple waterfalls, known as the Fiji Waterfall.


Grombong Waterfall

Our second waterfall stop was the triple falls known as Grombong Waterfall.

Lemukih Falls: Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

This consists of three waterfalls also. There is a bridge to this one, however, you’ll find yourself back in the water if you want to get nice and close.


Cliff Jump

After our beautiful waterfall visits, we had a quick stop in a small hut for some snake fruit and water, before trekking to the last waterfall where our guide said it was safe to jump.

Snake fruit hike stop

There are two heights to jump from and while my foot surgery prevented me from the treacherous cliff jump, my kids were straight into it. They decided to take the lower height, while I photographed from a higher point.

Lemukih Falls: Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

There is a rope attached to the rocky cliff face to climb your way back after the jump. The water is barely 2m. Both my kids touched the bottom on their jump, so make sure you tuck your legs.


It wasn’t until after the jump our guide told us that pythons sometimes live in these waters, but not to worry as they won’t let you jump if they are there. WTF.

Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

After the cliff jumping we moved on to Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide. A rocky downward-slopping river that has been set up as a crude tourist attraction.


A single man set up with water shoes, helmets, and tire-type tubes for the journey down. Go in pairs or go alone. It’s fast, it’s cold, and it’s fun.

5 things to know before sliding down Lemukih Falls in Bali

Things I wish I’d known before going on the nature slide.

  1. The water is cold. Be prepared. It’s lovely after a long hot hike, but it is cold for Bali.
  2. Keep your bum up, the tubes help for the slide down, but it’s still a natural rocky slide so keep your bottom up to avoid any hard bumps.
  3. Keep your mouth shut. I screamed on the way down and when I entered the whirlpool-style natural pool at the bottom, swallowed a big mouthful.
  4. Use their water shoes or bring your own. It will save your feet in the water and for the walk back.
  5. Hold onto the tag in the middle of the tube to stop the tube from sliding out from under you with the current.

Lemukih Falls: Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

Lunch Time

After we had enough at Lemukih water slide, we were led up the cliff to a small restaurant overlooking the slide.

It’s a small hut with cold drinks and hot food. Don’t look in the kitchen, you may not be prepared to eat, but the food was good and more than welcome after our exhausting day.


Heading Back

The views for the walk back are stunning. Rice field terraces and tropical jungle make for a pleasant walk, if you didn’t have a broken toe like me.

Thankfully my guide hailed down a motorcyclist who gave me a ride back to the car, while the rest of the family were absolute troopers finishing off the hike.

Rice terrace hike

Is Lemukih Falls Worth A Visit?

A visit to Water Slide Lemukih is the perfect way to get off the beaten path in Bali. The lack of tourists make it a pleasant visit. But it is a mission.

Thankfully you have multiple options when it comes to visiting these falls from simply doing Bali’s secret natural water slide and the cliff jump, to doing 1 or both of the waterfalls.

 Lemukih Falls: Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

My family agrees this is the hardest hike we have ever done. And I did it with a broken toe. It was painful and challenging, but I did it. And I’m so proud I did. The adventure with my children will be one I never forget.

I think with more preparation we would have enjoyed the journey more. So I’m hoping this article will not only encourage you to take on this adventure but understand the challenge so you can overcome it and witness the beauty of Sekumpul Waterfall Bali / Lemukih Falls Bali.

Lemukih Falls / Sekumpul Waterfall Bali family trek

Are there any other Bali waterfalls to visit?

Too many to count.

GitGit Waterfall in Singaraja

Munduk Waterfall in Buleleng

Sekumpul Waterfall in Singaraja

NungNung Waterfall in Petang

Banyumala Twin Waterfall in Wanagiri

Aling Aling Waterfall in Sambangan

Tegenungan Waterfall in Ubud

Blahmantung Waterfall in Tabanan

Jembong Waterfall in Sukasada

Yeh Mampeh Waterfall in Singaraja

Tibumana Waterfall

Tukad Cepung Waterfall in Bangli

Carat Waterfalls in Singaraja

SingSing Waterfall near Lovina Beach

Leke Leke Waterfall in Tabanan

Peguyangan Waterfall in Nusa Penida

Goa Rang Reng

Kanto Lampo Waterfall

Melasti Waterfall

Dusun Kuning Waterfall

Sumampan Waterfall

Melanting Waterfall

Kembar Waterfall

Pucuk Waterfall

Kroya Waterfall

Sambangan Waterfall in Sambangan Village.

Lemukih Falls: Bali’s Secret Natural Water Slide

What Else Can I Do In Bali?

Looking for other things to do in Bali.

Checkout our list of 101 things to do in Bali with kids.

Looking for a place to stay, I have a great list of Bail locations that I have I stayed.

Tips For Driving In Bali.




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