
5 Ways Travel Can Make Your Career Healthier

Travel is great for refreshing your life and helping you to see the bigger picture. What you might not have realized is that it can help make your career healthier too!

There are tons of amazing transferable skills that you get from an epic tour to lands far away from home that employers will mark in your favor.

Let’s look at 5 of the ways that travel can add a little extra boost to your career when it’s time to go job hunting in a little more detail.

working while travelling


One of the biggest bonuses of traveling is an inspiration. This is great for boosting your creativity and coming up with amazing ideas.

The kind of open-mindedness that you gain on the road is not to be underestimated. You’ll see and do things that will refresh your mind, broaden your imagination and give you an astonishing lift in creative thinking.

This even comes into play when you’re writing and designing a resume. Of course, if you’re trying to make sure everything fits in the right place, a resume builder can save you time getting this sorted and squeezing in all the amazing skills you’ve gained en route.

Either way, having this newfound creativity is something that you’ll be able to put into your day-to-day professional life effectively. Don’t be afraid to promote it.


Travel is one of the best ways to learn how to be independent. Very often you’ll be out on your own and juggling a lot of essential responsibilities all at once.

Of course, this kind of multitasking and priority management translates perfectly into your professional skill set.

When you travel you have a lot to manage. Transport, where you’re going to stay, what to eat tonight, and how you’re going to fit everything into your overly stuffed bag. Of course, this also changes constantly as you continue on your way.

Being experienced in remaining on top of these things and handling yourself responsibly can really show companies that you’re someone who can get things done practically.

A Fresh Perspective

Travel allows you to stop and really think about life and what you’re doing. Not only can this help to shift your life forward, but it can also help you find a new direction in your career.

Maybe before you packed your bags and headed off into the great unknown you were in a comfortable but unsatisfying occupation.

Travel can help you get the confidence to try new approaches and spot niches that you’d like to explore that maybe you backed out of previously.

If your interest is something like writing or photography, you can even get hands-on experience of this as you go with either a blog or a personal website. You may discover a real taste for making a career out of your hobby.


Interpersonal Skills

Experiencing life abroad isn’t just great for boosting your independence. It’s also amazing for helping you work with other people too.

All businesses are made up of individuals. As a result, the interpersonal skills you pick up when you travel can feed into your career positively.

By learning how to interact with lots of different people from different classes, cultures, and backgrounds, you can show that you’re going to be able to adapt to all sorts of circumstances you might come across in your professional life.

Cultural Awareness

Every culture has its own quirks. As businesses become more and more globalized, knowing how to negotiate these can be a real boon to your career.

If you’ve got to know lots of different cultural behaviors, not to mention other languages, these will give you a huge advantage when it’s time to job hunt.

Being able to prove demonstrably that you can cross those cultural barriers and create good relationships with people, no matter where they are from, is a skill that is highly regarded.

It’s easy to dismiss travel as something purely for leisure. That’s not the case whatsoever.

Whilst it is not work per se, it does require effort and planning. It also teaches you a huge amount about the world at large and collaboration without limits.

Don’t underestimate how much this can help your professional career.

working with a view

Have you successfully converted your experience abroad into career success? Let me know about it in the comments below to swap stories or discuss expert tips on ways to make your professional life grow from travel.


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