
Embrace The Cold: Great Ideas For A Winter Holiday

Although you may prefer the warm, bright weather, there can still be a lot of beauty to find in the winter. While you may be tempted to curl up at home, this can be a great time to get away from home.

There is a number of destinations that are great for the whole family. These may allow you to learn more about how different countries look in the winter and even bring about more magic just before Christmas. Your budget and time available may factor into the destination that you choose.

Visit Monuments

During the winter months, you may find that there is less daylight available to you. Sunrise can occur later in the day, and sunset may be hours earlier than it was in the summer.

This doesn’t mean your opportunities for fun need to be decreased. Instead, you might want to consider visiting monuments in the dark, to see how they look all lit up.

The Eiffel Tower entrance fee may not require a large budget, and this can look absolutely spectacular in the dark. This could also allow you to see all over Paris, and how it may sparkle with lights from houses, businesses, and even street lamps or decorations.

great ideas for a winter holiday

Head for the snow

There isn’t often heavy snow throughout the UK, and the stuff we do get may be more like sleet or slush. Therefore, it is entirely possible that your children have never had the chance to ski, see or play in real snow!

Choosing a destination with a high likelihood of good snowfall can be a great idea. Although this can give you the opportunity for a lot of fun and games, it can also be important to consider your health and safety.

Wrapping up warm can be a good first start, preventing you and your children from feeling overly cold. You may also want to consider how slippery it may be, especially as the snow starts to thin.

great ideas for a winter holiday

Find somewhere warm

If the thought of a cold destination really makes you shudder, you may instead want to think about heading south of the equator. Here, the seasons may differ from what they are back home.

While this could involve a long journey by car, train, boat, or even plane, it could result in some time away from home in a warmer climate.

Should you wish to go away over Christmas and New Years Eve, this can be a fantastic opportunity to experience the holiday in a country where it occurs during the summer. This might differ drastically to what you are used to, and even help you appreciate some of your usual traditions that you have back home.


A lot of people may dread the winter months, especially when you consider how little daylight is available to you. Taking the opportunity to get away from home can allow you to make the most of this time, or even find ways to avoid the frost altogether.


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