
Explore Ireland Like a Local – The Top Attractions to Visit

Ireland is a beautiful country full of history and culture. The country as a whole has plenty to offer, making it the perfect destination to visit and explore. There’s a lot to see from the iconic capital city to some of the jaw dropping  sights.

This article is going to explore the top attraction to visit, helping you to explore the land of luck as if you were a local.

Top Cities

It would be rude not to start off with Ireland’s capital city. During a visit to Dublin you will be able to experience a host of different things. From taking a stroll through Phoenix Park, visiting the iconic Temple Bar and of course a trip to the Guinness Storehouse. Dublin has a lot to offer, with an incredible amount of culture and history to learn about, as well as delicious Irish delicacies to try.

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Galway is another iconic city in Ireland to visit, located on the west coast. The city is known for being lively, as well being full of incredible art, traditional music and of course, friendly locals. Take a walk down the colorful streets of the Latin Quarter, or for something more scenic, head over to Salthill Promenade. Don’t forget to try out some of the fresh seafood at Bustling market.

Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It’s a city full of rich industrial heritage and has a vibrant cultural scene. Make sure to visit places such as the historic Titanic Quarter, the colorful murals of the Falls Road and Shankill Road. And of course a visit to Belfast City Hall is a must.

Scenic Attractions

Ireland is famous for how incredibly scenic it is. The Cliffs of Moher stand out as one of Ireland’s most famous natural attractions. The cliffs hang 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. This is the perfect place to take a walk and witness the breathtaking views of Ireland’s coast line.

The Ring of Kerry is an essential for anyone taking a road trip through the country, or parts of it. This scenic drive takes you through some of Ireland’s most stunning landscapes, with incredible views of mountains and sparkling lakes. You also drive through traditonal villages and towns where you can stop and experience some of the charming culture Ireland has to offer.

Skellig Michael is a beautiful island that’s just off the coast of County Kerry. This island is known for its beautiful scenery, dramatic cliffs and panoramic views of the ocean. However, it’s not just it’s beauty that makes it such a popular destination, the island is also known for ancient monastic settlement. You can get to this island by taking a short boat trip.

Castle, National Parks and Heritage Sites

And finally, Ireland is home to many attractions outside cities too. The Giant’s Causeway is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is located in the north. This site is known for its unique hexagonal basalt columns. The legend behind this masterpiece is that is was built by the giant Finn McCool. It’s a great location to visit if you’re interested in Irish folklore.

Killarney National Park is the perfect attraction for anyone who loves the outdoors. The park showcases views of mountains, forests and stunning lakes. Visitors are able grab a boat and take a ride around the Lakes of Killarney. When exploring the park, keep an eye out for the iconic red deer.

Blarney Castle is a very famous landmark in Ireland, known for being home to the Blarney Stone. Those who kiss it are said to be given the “gift of the gab”, the stone is located at the top of the castle. The top of the castle also boasts panoramic views of the countryside that surrounds it.

The is the perfect attraction for any geology and history enthusiast. The Burren is a unique limestone landscape that’s located in County Clare. It’s dotted with ancient ruins, megalithic tombs and rare flora and fauna. Take some time to explore this terrain with a leisurely stroll or for a more active option, on your bike. Make sure to head to the summit of Mullaghmore to see an incredible view.

In summary, Ireland has a wide range to offer, with something for everyone to enjoy, whether you’re solo or even travelling as a family. Exploring the country as if you were like a local is the best way to experience the country’s beauty and charm. Whether you enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city or prefer a more scenic experience, you are bound to have a magical time.

Remember to fully embrace the culture, listen to all the incredible myths and stories about the country as well as fully immersing yourself in the culture and delicious food the Emerald Isle has to offer.


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