4 Reasons To Explore USA

Surrounded by three different oceans, boasting a mountain taller than Everest, home to some of the largest and oldest trees on Planet Earth, with one single coastline that spans 6,640 miles or [...]

24 Hours In San Antonio Texas

Australia to Texas is no quick flight. My partner and I had flown into Austin for TravelCon, the very first Nomadic Matt conference. But before the conference, we had been recommended a super [...]

EWE Mega B’Day Giveaway Entry

It’s time! You’ve seen our prizes and it’s time to enter. Come back each day to enter and increase your chances. And good luck. I hope you win. Don’t forget to join us for [...]

Explore With Erin Mega B’Day Giveaway

In July Explore With Erin (EWE) turned one. In December Erin, Mia and Caius are celebrating 2 years back in our home country after 5 years nomadic travel. We survived. We more than survived. We [...]