Some of us chose to leave. For some of us the decision is made for us. But when your relationship breaks down some pretty strong emotions come out of nowhere.
I’m a pretty confident woman. I’ve never doubted my abilities in life to get ahead, to be loved, and to create the life I wanted.
Until January 2017.
After nearly 20 years I found myself in a situation where lies crowded my thinking. 3 months I fought these inner demons, losing 30 pounds and coming to terms with my new life. It seemed like a long, black tunnel that wouldn’t end. I remember my kids saying something funny in the car and I couldn’t laugh. I thought I’d never laugh again.

30 pounds in 3 months gone
And then I remembered who I was. I remembered who I loved and who loved me. And that one person’s poor judgement does not mean an end to my amazing life… In fact, could it mean a new beginning? Freedom?
If you are going through the pit of hell, the aftermath of divorce, I want you to know so much of what you are thinking is lies. And you won’t believe me straight away. You’ll say your situation is different, or special, but I’m here to tell you – Don’t believe the lies.
It’s my fault
When your partner has an affair, it’s easy to think maybe I wasn’t pretty enough, maybe I didn’t give enough sex, maybe, maybe, maybe. I love this article by MommyTravels on Surviving Infidelity: “I even thought that somehow I could be better. But I am going to tell you the truth about being married to someone who goes out seeking another person. It’s not you, it’s them. They have a problem and you cannot fix it for them.”
Perhaps it wasn’t an affair, perhaps something else caused your divorce. It takes two to tango. And while you can attribute some of the reason for the breakdown of your marriage, do not carry the full burden of being the one to blame.
In Australia, we have no blame divorce proceedings. Ultimately the law decided it didn’t matter. All that mattered was moving two individuals along in their new lives. Some relationships will never be mended and this is a sad and unpleasant situation, but taking a leaf out of the Aussie lawbooks and not playing the blame game will certainly help you move forward faster and lessen the resentment you carry into your future.
Bitterness is a poison in anyone’s body. Lay aside any feelings you have of blame or guilt, decide you are not a victim and move forward. What’s in the past can still hurt, but ultimately you have 2 decisions: to run from it or learn from it.
I will never get to wear jewellery again
“How superficial,” I thought to myself. But as I took off 20 years of jewellery it was one of my most prominent thoughts. 15 years wearing a wedding ring, bracelets from early dating years, a brand-new gold bracelet I had got the month before for my birthday, earrings from a special anniversary – they all came off. And as I stripped away more than half my life’s worth of jewellery the lie came with it, “You won’t ever wear jewellery again.”
Oh yes, you will. Here are 3 reasons how –
Buy your own jewellery. It’s an amazing feeling. These personalised pieces I got from Joyali are my favourite. They have the names Erin, Mia & Caius on them, my family.
Repurpose your old jewellery. Melt it down, make something new and beautiful from the ashes of that awful ending.
Receive new jewellery. I asked my family for jewellery for my birthday. And my new partner has spoiled me with Pandora bracelets and rings that my hands and wrists are full and beautiful.
I don’t miss my old stuff. In fact, I value my new stuff even more.
I will never get flowers again
The same silly lie as above. My birthday was in December, I got a big bunch of flowers and all of a sudden in January he’s waving goodbye as he leaves to travel the world without all the baggage AKA the kids and me.
Then my sister got me flowers, and my Dad, and my new love. And suddenly the lie seemed ridiculous.
Do you know what I also did with this lie? I bought flowers. For my mum, for my daughter, for myself. Giving is a great way for a “getting” lie to be made redundant.
I don’t need contraception
I sat nervously in the doctor’s office waiting for my appointment. When she finally asked what I was after, I told her I wanted my Mirena removed.
“Why?” She asked me.
“Because I got divorced and won’t ever be having sex again.”
She laughed gently and told me to think about it. “Love,” she said in her English accent, “you will probably have more sex now then when you were married. Come see me again in another month if you still feel the same.”
A year later I had my pap smear check-up and thanked her for convincing me not to get rid of my Mirena. She laughed and said, “Good for you.”
Don’t make any rash decisions in the first 6 months of your relationship loss. The world keeps going and who knows who is waiting around the bend.

Close call
I’m so old
I was 36 when I got divorced. It felt so old. I had been in a relationship since I was 16 years old, so I guess it was the 20 years that made me feel old.
When I climbed out of my protective shell and took a look at what was happening around me, I realised half the people my age hadn’t even been married yet!
I wasn’t old. I was in the best years of my life. How exciting! And better yet, I looked better than I ever did in those previous years. 😉

Pro-shot from my 1st modelling photoshoot
I’ve been robbed
These lies came crowding in like a machine gun sending bullets, one after the other. Some were silly, some were serious, but all were not the end of the world. For example –
“I’ll never be able to celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary.” But I do get to celebrate first again, yay!
“I’ll not be able to have a third child.” Ha-ha, who says? If you want another baby you can. I’m so in love with my two that I have not felt the need to rectify this. Plus, you never know who might make their way into your life.
It was just a notion that I thought he robbed from me. Before I realised only I have the power to feel robbed. And I am not going to let anyone else have that power.
I’ll never love again
You will and it will be so wonderful. First kisses, first dates, first butterflies. I have never dated before and this period of my life is so exciting, I feel young again! Especially when I found this one.
And you know what? If you don’t find a mate straight away, it’s ok. Find love for yourself. Find love for your kids. Give love to those around you that you couldn’t before. Because when you give love, you receive love… In all forms.
I can’t raise kids alone
You are not alone. Seek out your village. Whether it’s friends or family, you are never alone. There are people that will help raise your kids. And you will do an amazing job.
I will never be able to thank my parents for the way they stepped up and completed my kid’s lives. My father has been a wonderful father and role model for my kids.
This ties in with the lie that you won’t have enough money. Things may change, but you will find a way. That’s what us mums do. We make it work. You will be able to provide for your kids. And if you need help, ask. The father of my children refuses to make any contribution to their lives financially or emotionally. That’s a big burden that often left me feeling inadequate, especially when the only way I made money was stolen from me. Living with my parents the last 2 years has been the biggest blessing on my finances, on my love life, on my kids.

My beautiful tribe – my family
Don’t be afraid to seek help. With their help, I was able to start Explore With Erin and grow it quickly into my full-time income again. Something I was told I’d never be able to do…
I am… what they said
Your relationship may have left sour with all kinds of accusations being thrown around. Sometimes it’s hard to wade through these as lies or truths. Having a psychologist is a great way to talk about all these allegations. Straight away I started seeing someone because before the end my previous partner told me I was all sorts of things.
You’ll never be able to be successful. LIE.
When I lost my first blog I was told “Good luck, you’ll never be able to do anything without me.” LIE. Not only did I easily hire a web designer, I started Explore With Erin and made more money on it in its first year than my previous blog made in its 3rd year. You are more than capable of being successful.
You are mentally ill: bi-polar, or something. LIE.
Actually, I was diagnosed with very good mental health. Because I was concerned about my mental well -being I sort help and received validation.
Do not be afraid to seek help during this rough time. Depression is a serious mental illness and not something to be ashamed of. Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed of seeking healing.
You are not coping and a danger to your children. LIE.
My Psychologist was impressed with how quickly I recovered and nurtured my children. You can cope. You are still their mother.
You are abusive. LIE.
Having been assaulted on the porch of my own house it’s clear to see that often the lies told to us reveal a lot about who the other person is. It’s called projection or gaslighting.
If your previous partner has not seen a psychologist, while you have. If they continually support their own lies with “any reasonable person knows”, but they are the only one to whom they are referring to then consider what they are telling you to be untrue. Don’t be afraid to ask those who love you, your family, your best friend. Let them help you sort out what you can change and what are downright lies made to make the other person feel good about their bad choices.
I am not enough
You are enough.
Who you are is enough.
What you do is enough.
What you have is enough.
I encourage you to change you’re thinking and start each day with, “I am enough.”
It may seem like the darkness will never lift, but you have to understand it will. The truth always comes out and it’s time for you to start living your truth. You are not a “divorced mum”. You are you. Daughter, Mother, Friend, You.
You have reached an end of a chapter, not the end of your book. So turn the page. Life awaits. And as the X-Files promises, ‘The Truth Is Out There’. Don’t believe these lies any more.
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This is beautiful. God bless you for sharing this.
Thank you Emma, I’m so glad it found it’s way to you <3
Very true Erin! There are so many lies & comments said to undermine who we are that when we get divorced at the beginning it can feel like your sinking & wading through quicksand. So glad that you are happy, life as a solo Mum has its ups & downs but the relationship we build & have with our children is very different to before and is a treasure that is precious! Stay strong and take care xx
I love the relationship I have with my kids, it has flourished for sure! Thanks for commenting Leigh, I really appreciate it. 🙂
Beautiful Erin. So many truths in there. I haven’t gone through what you went though but My parents divorced when I was in year 10. When we left, we all relaxed, we all smiled and we all laughed again. Best thing my Mum ever did in our case. I’m sure she walked through many of the things you mentioned. Makes me appreciate her more as it would have been a tougher road than what we ever knew. Well done for navigating a really tough journey and coming out flying. You are an inspiration and I’m sure a big encouragement to many. ❤️
thank you for taking the time to read. Your mum is a legend. And I hope this can encourage women’s hearts today ❤️
It hit close thanks for helping people, we all need a pick me up.
If you don’t see a psychologist who can help correct some of these thoughts you can really drown in them. I am so glad it helped <3
Yes…some of these things I’ve felt myself . Hopefully we will all find light at the end of the tunnel. Finding myself has been a challenge..
Getting there..
??? thanks for sharing, that really resonated with me ?
This should be read daily? it’s a reminder that you are enough and that the obstacles we see are created by our insecurities, and because we’re still human ?
Aww that is such a lovely thing to say!!! Thanks so much Sonia – I actually read it myself again yesterday and was like BOO YEAH I needed that!
My brother recommended I might like this website. He was totally right.
This put up actually made my day. You can not imagine just how a lot
time I had spent for this information! Thank you!
Good on ya, Erin! I can’t believe what a transformation you’ve made. I’m so glad that you’ve sorted it out and realized that you are strong, gorgeous, capable and definitely worth it! And, I can’t believe the kiddos are so big. It’s been years since we met in Guatemala…but the pictures are surreal! Carry on….you deserve all the riches the world has to offer.
Thanks Sonja! Hope we cross paths again soon.
You are so inspirational Erin. You went through a horrible time with such grace. I love Explore with Erin, the other blog I can’t even remember the name anymore ?
Lol. Thanks so much Leezett.
You are one of the strongest women I have ever met, Erin. I am in awe of what you have endured over the last couple of years. It is definitely all him and just all you being awesome 🙂 Hope to see you soon!
Thanks for all your support, Sharon. And especially your knowledge in the areas I lack.
oh my goodness, I knew you were amazing, but I had no idea what a warrior you are! I really admire your self-awareness; your ability to be real with yourself and with others. (On a side note, I really wonder what you’d find out if you researched the effects of long term travel on mental health. You are seriously the only travel blogger I follow who has remained “normal”, as in likable and not obsessed and overly defensive about their lifestyle. Maybe it’s the isolation of the lifestyle or the constant need to find more and more excitement to maintain the travel high. It would be an interesting research project, anyways)
self-awareness and a whole lot of hindsight.
You raise a great point on long term travel mental health. And the travel high that is often chased. I like to think I found contentment in both lives: travel and home. There are many who can’t do that.
Thanks for your thoughts as always.
Wow…I am so sorry you had to go through all of that…but even though I have never met you, I can tell you are a vibrant wonderful person who is also a fantastic mother. However what it also highlights to me is that how we see things on social media is often not real. I see this with a family member. She is basically having breakdowns every day but yet one perfectly groomed photo on Instagram leads to lots of comments about how perfect she is, how hot she is etc. But behind the scenes it’s a whole other story.
it’s true. I was mostly off social media during this period, but we can never compare the worst part of our lives to the best part of people’s social media.
Hi Erin
I really appreciated your recent divorce post.
I wanted to share how I found you ..
I worked on the boat your ex husband got married on. The whole event was quite strange, they barely knew each other, the groom seemed…. narcissistic and controlling, the bride had no part organising any of the event, Ive actually never seen a wedding so lacking… lacking in love, friends. It really set off alarm bells for me. I also heard talk of the ex wife more than anyone that day – again… strange for a wedding!
Having been divorced myself I got an idea that maybe you had endured a lot and I did some looking on fb after the mention of a blog etc…. and then I found you.
And exactly as I had assumed I saw a strong happy woman, I see happy kids, Bravery, Determination.
Its fantastic to see other women healing from bad experiences and creating amazing lives
Thankyou for sharing so much and inspiring other women!
Kari, this is such an unusual message to get, but also I am so thankful for you tracking me down and sharing your experience. So interesting to see an outsiders perspective and to have my own personal views reinforced. I’m also glad you can see how much determination I truly have. Most of us women do. We have deep strength when pushed. I am sure you are doing an amazing job too. It sounds like you are providing an amazing life for your kids. I’ll private message you.
Wow…this is powerful! You are so inspiring ❤
Awww what a lovely thing to say. Thanks Lisa.
So powerful. You’re doing a great job Erin, keep it up.
thanks so much Sophie. It’s from the heart!
When I signed up for a session with you at WITS a few years ago, it was in hopes of hearing the secret of your massive success. I knew the answer within minutes. It’s YOU. Your personality and your confidence, and I’m glad you’ve not lost that along the way.
oh Sheri, this comment means so much. Thank you. When I was told I couldn’t run a website I said the same thing. I said, “I can hire a web designer, good luck hiring personality.” A blog is the marketing of a person, not words on a screen. And Explore With Erin is me, raw, real and designed to make life easier for you. It was a pleasure to meet you back in 2016!
gosh I love you!!!!!
haha so good to reconnect after all these years. Was it really 20 years?
Me too … and it speaks for many relationships I think, not just marital x
So true, Jo. There are parent and children relationships like this. It’s so important we know our own truths.
Don’t forget talking with others who have had the same BS happen to them. Our talks helped me.
So true Mike. Not just psychologists but sharing with friends. You may not be a mum, but you are enough.
You were the heart & soul of TWB, that’s so obvious now! Im sorry you havr been through this but youre epic Erin and so very strong!
Such kind words, thank you Alana. You never know how strong you are until you are put in hot water, and thankfully I ain’t a tea bag – I jumped right out! 😀 Thanks for continuing to follow my evolving journey.
I’m continuous impressed with how you have handled this whole situation. When you guys broke up and Travel with Bender blew up, as a long time reader I was devastated. But the way you’ve risen from the ashes and made Explore with Erin with your authenticity and heart inspires me and warms my heart. I love reading about you guys and your adventures. And I’m so proud to see what you have accomplished and how you’ve grown. I look forward to reading your adventures for years to come.
It’s been important for me to maintain the person I am, my morals and values, despite adversity. I’m also aware that one day my kids will read whatever has been written and that was never something I wanted for them. Thank you for your kind comment and continuing to support my journey. This really made my day.
?? love this…”And that one person’s poor judgement does not mean an end to my amazing life”
You are living proof of that, Lisa.