Pastries at breakfast.
Food on the run at lunch.
Leisurely dinner with plenty of cocktails before and after.
It seems so easy to let your week of vacation indulgence turn into months of hard work when getting back home.
But why?
My Fitbit said I did over 25,000 steps at Disneyworld!
What my Fitbit didn’t tell me was that I probably ate my weight in dole whip as well. (But really, get a Fitbit, I love mine!)
If you don’t gain weight, then you can go read this article – 10 Reasons You’re Liked To Lose Weight On Vacation. But if like me you find the temptation to eat everything in sight while lying by a pool… Well here are my top 20 reason’s for why you might gain weight on vacation.
The all-inclusive trap
Your dream vacation is lying by the pool all day, drinking cocktails and never having to move. Unfortunately, this gets coupled with the idea that to never leave it would be a great idea to have food always at your fingertips as well. And that’s when the 3 meals a day become 8. Whether it’s a cruise or a resort those all-inclusive vacations can really pack on the kilos.

Somebody say pool bar?
Picking the wrong vacation
Similar to picking the all-inclusive vacation, you may just pick the wrong vacation. A road trip might sound like an adventure. But realistically it’s a lot of sitting and not much activity, which mean’s boredom, which usually amounts to eating. And generally not carrot sticks.
All that amazing airline food
Sometimes vacation starts with the burger at the airport and the crap they serve on the plane. It’s rare to find a vegetable and sugar and salt seems to be the best cure for those dead taste buds way up high.
Lack of water
On top of the bad food, I find dehydration to be a big thing. A lot of time on vacation you can end up eating when really you are just thirsty. At home, I carry a water bottle everywhere. On vacation, it’s nowhere to be seen.
Oh, I “forgot”
Those gym clothes that I wear at least three times a week at home. Somehow didn’t find their way into my bag. I simply could not fit those tiny gym shorts in next to my 3 pairs of swimmers and high heels (that I DO NOT plan on wearing, ever). Of course, this means I will be skipping any workouts while on vacation, which means I will gain weight on vacation.
But I didn’t forget my work
Let’s face it, sitting on my computer all day isn’t making me skinny. So having it on vacation won’t either.

Should I go for a walk out there?
Eat out all the time
In my attempt to devour a country I will spend most meals eating out. And while I may have every intention of ordering a salad, when that menu comes the temptation becomes too great. My Keto plan goes out of the window. What’s Keto? Read reviews of Perfect Keto here.
Spend longer times eating
Romantic meals on the beach, leisurely lunch with friends. A vacation means you have time to spend eating and eating and eating.
Must eat all the food
A new country has me chomping at the bit to get in and try everything. From cannoli in Sicily to souvlaki in Greece to freak shakes in Australia I want to try it all. Unfortunately, therein lies the problem. If it’s not a heart attack, it’s sure to have me gain weight on vacation.
What time did you say it was?
During vacation, I tend to eat later because my day is packed with activities or sun baking. A later meal means a heavier stomach at bedtime.
Staying up late, waking up late
With so much fun who can be bothered hitting the sack. Sadly, lack of sleep on vacation is a big factor in weight gain. Because likewise who wants to be up early? Activity levels and cognitive rest are at all-time low. Energy levels falter and soon it’s sleep and sunbaking, sunbaking and sleep.
How many calories are in that?
It’s not a beach vacation without a cocktail or two. And those chocolate mudslides or pina colada’s are just so damn delicious. And sometimes it’s easier to convince yourself ‘well, at least I’m not eating calories… It doesn’t count in liquid form, right?’
Skip a meal
Drank too much, slept in late. I find on some vacations skipping breakfast becomes almost a habit. Not a good habit.
Entertain me!
Sometimes when choosing a vacation, we build it around entertainment instead of activity. Kayaking, biking, hiking can often take a back seat to movies at the cinema, lounging by the pool or maybe just room service.
But it’s free
Ahhh the dreaded food load. Breakfast is included in the hotel so you make it a big one. Big portions, maybe even smuggle some food out for later. Get your fill, because it’s free! And you want your money’s worth, right? Just remember that free meal is just a different currency – you’ll gain weight on vacation.
Indulgent snacking
It’s the holidays. Devour the mini bar and all the chocolate and chips you can find. Cause you won’t do it when you get home… promise.
Portion control woes
Back home I use a small plate to make my meals look big. In restaurants on vacation, they use large plates. And some restaurants fill large plates.
My uncomfortable shoes
“I cannot walk in these shoes” and there’s the finest excuse to order that Uber.
My friends don’t like that
Travelling with the wrong people can sometimes mean you’ll gain weight on vacation. I know if I’m travelling with my friend A King’s Life, I will be eating well. If I am travelling with… Well, let’s not point fingers 🙂
My hotel doesn’t have it
Probably one of the actually legitimate excuses is that the hotel you are staying at simply lacks the amenities you usually use to keep in shape. No gym, no pool. Of course, a walk around the block is just as great as a treadmill. Which means this excuse should really just be crossed out and replaced with…
Because if you can’t do it now, when should you
I’ll be good when I get home. Promise.
You are not alone. Check out all my blogging friends who also struggle with weight gain while on vacation.
And by the way… That happy, cheeky holiday fat is actually quite endearing. But if you need some inspiration to get rid of it afterward, check out How I lost 30 pounds in 3 months.
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[…] a home for the last 5 years, this job became even more important. Making sure my children were eating a balanced diet, finding time to buy new clothes, endeavouring to make sure there was time for showers and hair […]
[…] 20 Reason’s Why You Gain Weight On Vacation […]
[…] 20 Reason’s Why You Gain Weight On Vacation […]
When we go on vacation with friends, it is so easy to gain weight. Especially when enjoying adult beverages!
Mmmm sugary cocktails!