5 Reasons I Hate Full Body Massage

Many people adore massage and there are not many days that go by in Bali where you don’t go for a $5 – $10 full body massage. I rarely go. Give me a pedicure or some foot reflexology, [...]

Nomad No More: Because Of School

Let me introduce Jade. Jade and I met in Melbourne and I absolutely adored her and her little son. Her nomad journey has been on and off, but what I love about Jade is that her family comes first [...]

Nomad No More: Craving The Mundane

Let me introduce Megan. She runs Mapping Megan. Meg and I have been friends online for like ever. And then last year we met for the first time in Melbourne, Australia. She is everything she is [...]

Nomad No More: 10 Years Solo Over

Let me introduce Gary from Everything Everywhere. He’s been everywhere and done everything. But is a Nomad No More. Gary is an award-winning blogger and travel photographer who has been [...]


If you’re looking for more explorers to visit your destination or try your product, then look no further.  Over the last 6 years, we have worked with hundreds of brands and destinations. [...]

5 Personal Pitfalls of Nomadic Travel

If you are reading on from my previous article about the 7 Startling Realities of Nomadic Travel you would realise that nomadic travel isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I explained how hard it was [...]