
Can’t Sleep in Hotels? 5 Tips & Tricks to Help You Fall Asleep When Traveling

If you’ve ever tossed and turned in a hotel bed, wondering why you can’t just drift off like you do at home, you’re not alone. Sleeping in a new place can be tough for a lot of us. It’s like our brains are on high alert, making it hard to relax.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll share some simple yet effective tips to help you catch those Z’s no matter where you are. So, let’s make those sleepless nights a thing of the past and turn your next trip into a restful retreat.

How to Fall Asleep When Traveling

#1 Comfortable Nightwear

First on our list is something often overlooked—what you wear to bed. Comfortable nightwear is crucial for a good night’s sleep, especially for women. Ladies, consider packing a soft, breathable nightgown for your travels. Not only do these garments offer the comfort and freedom you’re used to at home, but they also help regulate your body temperature throughout the night.

A well-chosen nightgown can be a comforting piece of home away from home, making unfamiliar hotel rooms feel more welcoming and conducive to sleep.

#2 Meditation

Next, let’s ease into relaxation with some meditation. It’s all about calming your mind and getting rid of those racing thoughts. You don’t need to be a meditation guru to reap the benefits. Just a few minutes of deep breathing or guided meditation before bed can help prepare your mind for sleep.

There are plenty of apps and online resources to get you started. This simple practice can be incredibly powerful, helping to reduce stress and make it easier to fall asleep, even in the most unfamiliar places.

#3 White Noise

Now, let’s talk about white noise. Unfamiliar sounds can be a major sleep disruptor in hotels. That’s where white noise comes in. By masking those random noises with a consistent sound, your brain can better relax, making it easier to fall asleep.

You can use a white noise machine, an app on your phone, or even a fan to create this effect. It’s a simple trick but one that many travelers swear by for getting a good night’s sleep.

#4 Bring Your Own Pillow

Bringing your own pillow might sound a bit over the top, but trust us, it can make a world of difference. Not only does it add a touch of home to your hotel room, but it also ensures you have the support and comfort you’re used to.

This can be particularly helpful if you have neck or back issues. Plus, it’s one less variable to worry about when trying to fall asleep in a new place. So, if you have room in your suitcase, consider packing your favorite pillow for the trip.

#5 Adjust to the Local Time

One of the trickiest parts of traveling, especially across time zones, is dealing with jet lag. The key to conquering it? Adjusting to the local time as soon as possible. This means trying to stay awake until it’s nighttime in your new location, even if you’re tired.

Exposure to natural light during the day can also help reset your internal clock. It might take a day or two to fully adjust, but sticking to the local schedule can significantly improve your sleep quality and overall energy levels during your trip.


There you have it—five practical tips to help you sleep better while traveling. Remember, the goal is to recreate the comfort and routine of home as much as possible. Whether it’s through comfortable pajamas, meditation, white noise, bringing your own pillow, or adjusting to the local time, each of these tips can help you enjoy a more restful night.


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