
10 Ways to Cure A Headache on Vacation

Isn’t it the worst? You’re on vacation and on that sunny day that you planned to be jet skiing and tanning on the beach you come down with one massive headache. Now whether it was self-inflicted from the previous night’s drinking or you are just prone to migraines it is never fun being sick on vacation.

So here are 10 ways I’ve managed to get rid of a headache on vacation so I can get back to what I do best. Holidaying.

man in gray crew neck t shirt covering his face with his hand
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

Bring your own medicine

I’m no doctor, so please make sure you check the regulations on what you can bring in and out of a foreign country, but it’s always best to be prepared. Carrying your own paracetamol or ibuprofen is a sure way to make sure any headaches are gone as fast as they come.

Drug-free pain relief

If you don’t want to be caught entering your holiday destination with pills in your suitcase, perhaps try taking a drug-free pain relief with you like Paingone. These products carry the CE mark for Medical Devices, which is only affixed to devices that meet the requirements of the latest European directives. Paingone has sold over 2 million products worldwide.

Take a nap

Too many late nights. Perhaps it’s time to just give that head a rest and enjoy a good old nap. Holiday naps are best taken in crisp white sheets or hammocks on the beach. Not in your ski hot tub.  Cool, dark rooms work best.

women lying down in pain

Drink water

All that sun play means you might just be dehydrated. Consider laying off the booze and the sugar drinks, and just have a water day. Try and get through at least 2 litres.

Try a cold or hot pack

Ice packs will numb the area in pain, while a hot pack will increase blood flow to that area. You can do this on vacation, by jumping in a cold private plunge pool or standing under a hot, steamy rain head shower. My personal favourite.

Destress with a massage

Headaches can often be caused by ourselves from induced stress. To get rid of a headache on vacation head to the closest massage parlour and let them knead that tension out of you, and watch that headache dissipate.

What are you eating?

Believe it or not, missing meals can cause a headache or even an influx of bad food. Make sure you spend your vacation taking in some nutritional meals at least three times a day.


It’s a vacation, why would you go to the gym, right? Well, sweating at the gym might not seem like the ideal headache solution, but exercise releases endorphins, which are actually natural pain killers. Do you know what else is exercise? Yup, between the sheets can help with pain relief.

Aqua fitness in a pool in bali

Get off the screens

You’re on vacation, so you might be spending more time on your phone, or your kindle, or watching movies in bed. Take a break from the screens. The AOA recommends taking a 20-second break to view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.

Keep a journal

How is that going to help the constant pounding in your head? A journal can help you keep track of triggers for the tension migraines you may be experiencing. You might find anything from MSG-containing foods to artificial sweeteners or dark alcohol like whiskey and red wine. Keep track so while you’re on holiday you know what to avoid to make sure you don’t miss one day of your epic vacation. 


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