
Is It Possible to Get Around Dubai with a Dog?

Dubai seems to offer everything on the planet. Unless, of course, you are traveling with pets. Many people are afraid to travel with pets because they are afraid they won’t be well received in other countries. While this may be the case in some parts of the world, it’s definitely not the case in Dubai.

You will definitely need a rental car to get around Dubai. Dubai is proving to be a world leader in offering pet-friendly vacation options, but you don’t want to trek your pup around on public transportation. Everything from beaches to recreation centers to cafes is opening up where you can take your pets and mingle with other animals and their owners. All you’ll need is the right rental, and you and your pooch will be good to go.

You would probably be surprised at just how much these facilities are growing in the region,  particularly for dog owners. Let’s take a look at some of the top spots where you can take your pooch and enjoy a great time with the whole family.

Be prepared with the right rental

The first thing you’ll need to do when you get to Dubai is make sure you’ve got the right transportation. Especially if you’re traveling with pets, you don’t want to be refused bus service or taxi rides because your drivers don’t want to deal with animal hair. 

Since you’re going to one of the hottest spots on the planet (no pun intended), why not rent the hottest car in town, like a Ferrari 488 rental Dubai? Or even a super-spiffy convertible? Your dog can feel the wind in his hair, and you will be the envy of everyone on the beachfront.

Dog-friendly theme parks

Yes, this is really a thing in Dubai. After you’re done cruising around town with your snazzy rental car, you can pull up to one of these parks and prepare your dog for the afternoon of his life. Places like Dogventure HQ offer such things as doggie pool parties, dog-friendly movie theaters, kayaking trips, and a whole range of other activities.

Places like this also provide practical services such as rehab for injured pups, grooming, and daycare if you need to drop them off while you cruise around in your rental for a while on your own.


You can’t go to Dubai without going to the beach; it is basically an unwritten rule. You will surely be the envy of the town when you and your doggie drive up to the beach lot in your shiny rental car. 

Dog-friendly beaches that you can drive to in your rental include Dubai Islands Beach, which is known among pet owners as being a mecca of sorts for pet-friendly beach fun. The beach even offers events like “Woofstock” to give pups the stage for a night and entertain everyone involved. Altogether, Dubai offers seven pet-friendly beaches, so you won’t be at a loss for variety. And most of them have plenty of parking available where you can leave your rental car.

Doggie daycare

There are other facilities in Dubai that devote themselves specifically to doggie daycare. So if you want to drop your pup off for the day and go for a ride in your BMW 5 series rental Dubai, these facilities will offer everything imaginable for your dog.

One example is Bark Park, which features an entire farm full of space and activities for visiting pups. It includes a swimming pond for dogs that are particularly furry and could use a good cool-down, as well as a special kitchen that offers meals prepared specifically for animal health and nutrition. And you can leave your dog for as long or little as you need. 

Fear not, a pet-friendly vacation in Dubai awaits you

Once you have the right rental car in Dubai, the rest will be easy. Dubai has proven to be one of the most pet-friendly places on the planet, so you and your pup can cruise around in your rental and stop off in any number of amazing pet facilities. So grab your pup and head on over. The beaches await.


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